How To Set Up The Texas Rig For Bass Fishing


Texas Rig For Bass Fishing

You may have heard about drop shot rig as a successful bass fishing setup but splitting out the secret to catching a big one with a heavy braided fishing line and heavy lures Texas rig is the more effective especially for bass fishing. The major drawback to a drop shot rig is that it isn’t recommended for heavy lures and lines but the Texas rig is a flexible one. You can cast using light or heavy lines same for baits.

Texas rig is associated with using soft plastic baits, but the trend is evolving and live baits are also now used in setting up this rig. It is one of the common rigging setups that every bass angler should learn and usually knows how to get right. So if you are a beginner and seeking some effective bass fishing tips then Texas rig is the optimal choice for a memorable catch for both professional and novice anglers. Just make sure you have one of the best fishing rods for bass fishing preferably the spinning one.

What You Need For The Texas Rig

You will require the following things to set up a texas rig,
1- Bullet weight
2- Plastic worm
3- Work Hook
4- Fishing line
5- Palomar knot

How To Set Up The Texas Rig For Bass Fishing

The Texas rig is a very effective way to catch bass, but it does require careful attention to detail in the rigging. We’ll walk you through the entire process below

texas rig for bass fishing

Step 1: Thread a weight onto the line

First, take your bullet weight and slide it onto the fishing line from the pointed end to the other open side. Don’t hurry with tying the knot here, leave it for the hook. 

Here is a tip, if you are fishing in heavier or murky water conditions it is recommended to go for a heavyweight. It’s a vice-versa rule the heavier the cover the heavier the sinker as they offer sensitivity and let you feel the fish nibbles. 

Step 2: Tie the hook to the Fishing Line

To make sure you wouldn’t lose your lure and weight, properly tie the knot on the hook. The very basic skill that every angler should learn is tying a fishing knot. Here for setting up the Texas rig, Palomar Knot is the optimal option. It is a strong and easy one. 

Now, tie the worm hook to your main fishing line. Generally, the hook size is selected according to the bait you are rigging. E.g. 3/0 hook size for a 6-7 inches long worm whereas a 5/0 hook for 10 inches long plastic worm. However, a 3/0 hook size is the optimal size.

Step 3: Pierce the worm with the hook

Now with the pointing end of the hook piercing down the head of the worm and pushing it out of the hook about ¼ inch down from the head. These inches also depend on the size of your bait in the case of longer worms you may have to thread the hook deeper.

Step 4: Feed your hook until the elbow bend 

Start feeding the remaining hook through the worm’s body until it reaches the elbow bend, this is the case for the EWG worm hook however if you are using the straight shank hook feed through the worm until the hook eye. 

Now rotate the hook just in the position that its pointing end is facing back to the worm.

Step 5: Line up the hook and pierce again

This is the final step in setting up the Texas rig for bass fishing. After turning the hook point, place your bait on the flat surface and line up the hook with bait. Just for an instance, the pointing end of the hook will be now towards the head of the bait where you pierced first. 

After lining up, spot the point where the piercing again. Push the pointed end of the hook back into the plastic worm but keep the sharp end inside the worm’s body. Don’t have to pierce the other side. Make sure there is a gap between the hook and the bait. 

how to set up a texas rig for bass fishing

How to Adjust Your Hook for a Texas Rig

If you don’t adjust your hook properly, you are likely to end up with a lot of lost fish. That’s why it’s important to adjust the hook correctly — and fortunately, it’s an easy process that you can do in just a few steps. Here’s how to adjust your hook for a Texas rig. 


First, choose the right size hook — but beyond that, you’ll also want to make sure that the shank of your hook is long enough. The shank should be long enough to extend past the swivel and allow the weight to rest below the shank. 

Second, make sure that the bend of the hook is set up so that it will lie horizontally. It should lay horizontally so that the line wraps around it from top to bottom. This is essential for getting a good hook set when a fish bites. 

Third, make sure that you don’t wrap the line too tightly around the shank of the hook. It’s best to keep it wrapped loosely because that will make it easier for the fish to get the hook out of its mouth when it bites.

Benefits of Using a Texas Rig For Bass

If you’re new to the world of Texas rigs and Texas-rigged lures, you may be wondering what the benefits are of using such a rig over other techniques. There are a few benefits to keep in mind. 

  • The ability to disguise your artificial lure as real baitfish. 
  • The ability to effectively fish in heavy cover where even if your wait stuck or covered in the mud, the bait will be still visible to the target.
  • The ability to catch larger, more wary fish.
  • The larger gap reduces the risk of fish swallowing the weight and cutting the line as they get the hook and the plastic worm when they bite.

Different Fishing methods for Texas Rig

Bass anglers can use Texas rigs with many different fishing methods. The main idea is to imitate your plastic bait with the real worm to trap that aggressive bass that is ready to nibble. The three common presentations are Dragging, dropping, or twitching a Texas rig.

Dropping presentation for Texas Rig

We will start with the dropping method which is popular for hot water conditions during summer. During this time of the year, the bass is actively seeking the target at the bottom part of the water.

Make a cast and let your bait sink to the bottom. Lifting and dropping is a slow process; you can add some vibrations to the bait by shaking the rod tip. The more you let your bait rest at the bottom, the more the chances of a successful catch. After dropping, lift your bait a foot up and drop again.

Dragging method for Texas Rig

As we mentioned Texas rig is a versatile set up it is effective for winter fishing also when the bass is sluggish and observes its target first. In this situation, the green pumpkin worm will be the right choice as bait. Simply cast out the rig and sweep your rod 2-3 times before reeling in the line; this is all done when your bait sinks to the bottom. 

Dragging is also a slow method perfect for lethargic bass as it gives enough time to the bass to observe the bait to nibble. Just keep calm and wait for your catch.

Twitching a Texas Rig

Here comes the third popular fishing method for a Texas Rig, but this time you will be casting a weightless plastic bait. Remove the bullet weight in this method. It’s the slowest of all fishing methods and you will have more control over your bait. It’s recommended to use the straight bait in this method to resist line twisting. Cast the lure, let it reach your desired depth and start twitching it with the rod.

This method is best for murky water conditions during the spring season. The sudden jerking of the lure in this method excites the bass to bite. A watermelon-colored worm with a 3/0 EWG hook will be an optimal choice for this fishing method.

Texas Rig for Bass Fishing Tips

  • Always select the lure weight according to the depth of the water where you are fishing. Choose a lightweight lure of 1/16 ounce for shallow water while for heavy cover increase the ounces.
  • For the heavy cover, use sinkers ranging from 1/2 to 1 ounce in weight PEGGED just in front of the hook eye.
  • Use the Monofilament fishing line over the braided line because of the stretch offered by mono. 
  • Make sure that the pointed end of the hook is sharp enough.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Texas Rig good for bass?

Absolutely Yes!! It is one of the best and most effective rigging techniques for bass fishing that every bass angler should learn. 

What is the best lure type for Texas Rig?

Although other baits like minnows or crayfish are also used, worms both plastic and live ones, are more effective as different presentations can be created with them to attract bass. 

When to Use Texas Rig?

Texas rig is basically used for heavy over and murky water conditions. But honestly speaking there is no specific rule, it’s an all-rounder rigging setup that fits perfectly with different fishing locations and fishing methods.

Whether you’re fishing in freshwater or saltwater, the Texas rig is a versatile rig that can be adapted for various conditions. It can also be used not just to catch bass, but to catch other fish too! Make sure you learn to set it the right way.

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