Bass Fishing Tips

bass caught on flyrod near winona, mn

An Epic Day

What An Epic Day! Holy cow you guys! What a morning! Can’t wait to tell you. When I get settled in at work I may

matt nelson aka NDYakAngler kayak bass fishing

Kayak Bass Fishing With NDYakAngler

Is Kayak Fishing Worth It? What is the best kayak for bass fishing? Is kayak bass fishing worth it? Is kayak bass fishing dangerous? Is

4 baitcaster reels setup for bass fishing laying on boat

Getting To Know Baitcaster Reels

Spinning tackle is just fine for largemouth and smallmouth bass fishing. It’s easy to handle, casts well, and it’s great for light or finesse presentations.

Mille Lacs Smallmouth Tips, smallmouth bass caught on mille lacs lake

Mille Lacs Smallmouth Tips

World Class Smallmouth Bass Fishing on Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota Let’s go over a few Mille Lacs smallmouth tips. You’ll find some of the best

rapala clackin crank 53 crank baits for bass fishing rigged up on rod

Crankbaits For Bass Fishing in The Spring

Best Crankbaits For Bass While Spring Fishing -From Elite Series Pro, Matt Robertson The more his contemporaries don’t use crankbaits for bass fishing, the better

dropshot rig for bass

Dropshot Rig For Bass Fishing Tips

A dropshot rig for bass suspends your hook above a weight. It’s a simple idea with some profound consequences.  Unlike standard worm fishing, the weight–rather

the beauty of the peacock bass

Peacock Bass The Coolest Bass Ever

Have you ever seen a Peacock Bass before? This is a seriously uniquely awesome species of bass. When you hear the word bass, most think

river bass fishing upper mississippi river national wildlife and fish refuge

Let’s Talk About River Bass Fishing

Just about the time a fisherman figures out the best pattern for flowing water while river bass fishing, a capricious river changes its flow and

Bass Fishing In 50 Degree Water

Bass Fishing In 50 Degree Water

Once we get further into late winter or start to get out of the winter into spring and the water starts to tick into the

match the hatch bass fishing

Match The Hatch Bass Fishing Made Simple

When the bass are gorging themselves on a certain critter, sometimes it’s best to throw something that provides a shock to their feeding systems Should

prespawn bass caught with a spinner bait

Pinpointing Prespawners

Every year about this time, legions of bass anglers across the country pack their boats to capacity with boxes of tackle and start motoring across

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